On March 29–30, 2022, the second edition of the conference “Research on PJM and d/Deafness” took place. This installment was co-organized by the Section for Sign Linguistics and the Polish Association of the Deaf Branch of Łódź and was titled “Teaching PJM as a second/foreign language”.
We are very pleased to report that the conference was attended by almost 150 people who represented more than 30 institutions and organizations from 4 countries:
- “Przyjaciele Języka Migowego” Foundation,
- Adam Mickiewcz University in Poznań,
- Centrum Edukacyjne Migaj Naturalnie,
- Collegium Szkoła Służb Medycznych,
- Deaf Aid Association “MIG-iem”,
- Educational and Care Center for Deaf Children in Warsaw,
- EduPJM,
- Family Welfare Center in Piotrków Trybunalski,
- Humboldt University in Berlin,
- Instytut Spraw Głuchych,
- Jagiellonian University,
- Jakub Falkowski Deaf Institute in Warsaw,
- Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa,
- Józef Sikorski Educational and Care Center for Deaf Children in Poznań,
- Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin,
- Medical Post-Secondary School No. 2 in Warsaw,
- Medical University in Białystok,
- Medical University in Łódź,
- Mielec Town Municipality,
- MigMedic,
- Ministry of Education and Science,
- Polish Association of the Deaf Branch of Łódź,
- Polish Association of the Deaf Branch of Podlasie in Białystok,
- Polish Sign Language Council,
- Samskiptamiðstöð heyrnarlausra og heyrnarskertra – The Communication Centre for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Reykjavík,
- Society of Sign Language Interpreters and Lecturers GEST,
- Special Educational and Care Center No. 4 in Łódź,
- Tłumaczki PJM,
- University of Gdańsk,
- University of Warsaw.
- Комунальний загальноосвітній навчальний заклад I-III ступенів «Навчально-реабілітаційний центр №6 м. Києва» [Municipal General Educational Institution of Levels I-III “Educational and Rehabilitation Center No. 6 of Kyiv”],
A particularly important moment of the conference was the speech of our deaf colleagues from Ukraine. The conference organizers and participants expressed solidarity with all Ukrainians. Many thanks to our Ukrainian colleagues for participating in this meeting!
We would like to thank all conference participants very much!