Another installment of the “Reserach on PJM and d/Deafness” conference is over. As usual, we had the opportunity to participate in many fascinating discussions and we will certainly remember more than one speech for a long time – such as the extremely interesting honorary lecture given by Tomasz Świderski, founder and president of the Institute of Deaf History “Surdus Historicusˮ. We would like to thank the Rector of the UW, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, and the Dean of the Faculty of Polish Studies, Prof. Zbigniew Greń, for taking part in the proceedings and, more broadly, for their kindness and interest in the problems of sign communication. We thank all the participants who came to the UW campus today. Thanks to you, our conference is an increasingly important event on the scientific scene of Poland. The attendance lists show that 188 people participated in the conference. Once again, the turnout shows that organizing such events is really worth it.