Program konferencji SIGN9
PDF version: SIGN9 Program
Color code / oznaczenia kolorami:
Keynote talk / wystąpienie plenarne | |
Workshop / warsztaty | |
Presentation in IS / wystąpienie w IS | |
Presentation in PJM / wystąpienie w PJM | |
Poster session / sesja posterowa |
Wednesday / Środa, 22.08.2018
Auditorium /
Aula |
Room 107 (1st floor) /
Sala 107 (1. piętro) |
10:00 – 11:00 | Registration for workshops / rejestracja na warsztaty | |
11:00 – 14:00 | PJM workshop
Warsztaty z PJM part I / część I |
IS workshop
Warsztaty z IS part I / część I |
14:00 – 15:30 | Lunch break / przerwa na lunch | |
15:30 – 18:30 | PJM workshop
Warsztaty z PJM part II / część II |
IS workshop
Warsztaty z IS part II/ część II |
Thursday / Czwartek, 23.08.2018
Auditorium /
Aula |
Room 107 (1st floor) /
Sala 107 (1. piętro) |
8:30 – 09:30 | Registration / rejestracja | |
09:30 – 10:00 | Opening ceremony / otwarcie konferencji | |
10:00 – 11:00 | Keynote talk
Christian Rathmann, Marek Śmietana, Małgorzata Talipska HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN, UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Communication Strategies Between Sign Language Users From Two Different Countries: The Case of Translanguaging |
11:00 – 11:40 | Coffee break / przerwa kawowa | |
11:40 – 12:20 | Presentation
Juhana Salonen, Antti Kronqvist UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ The Corpus Project of Finland´s Sign Language (CFINSL) |
Ankit Vishwakarma, Nirav Pal, Aejaz Parasara DELHI FOUNDATION OF DEAF WOMEN English Literacy with Deaf Learners: the Interplay of Peer Tuition, Real-Life English, and a Virtual Learning Environment |
12:25 – 13:05 | Presentation
Satu Worseck UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG DGS-Korpus Online |
13:05 – 14:30 | Lunch break / przerwa na lunch | |
14:30 – 15:10 | Presentation
Joanna Łacheta, Małgorzata Czajkowska-Kisil, Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz, Paweł Rutkowski UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW The Corpus-based Dictionary of Polish Sign Language after Two Years of Use |
Alejandro Oviedo, Thomas Kaul, Marco Gonzalez Athenas UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE Linguistic Transcription as a Pedagogical Tool in the Teaching of German Sign Language (DGS) as L2/M2 |
15:15 – 15:55 | Presentation
Nicholas Palfreyman UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE Variation and Social Meaning in Indonesian Sign Language (BISINDO): An Investigation at the Micro-Level |
Małgorzata Talipska UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Being an Elderly Deaf in Poland |
15:55 – 16:35 | Coffee break / przerwa kawowa | |
16:35 – 17:15 | Presentation
Fanny Macé UNIVERSITY OF PARIS VIII Bodily Mimesis and Simulation of Action: Conceptual Tools to Study Mimetic Phenomena in Adaptive Forms of Sign Language |
Ardavan Guity GALLAUDET UNIVERSITY Phonology and Iconicity in Iranian Sign Language |
Friday / Piątek, 24.08.2018
Auditorium /
Aula |
Room 107 (1st floor) /
Sala 107 (1. piętro) |
9:00 – 09:40 | Presentation
Onno Crasborn, Merel van Zuilen RADBOUD UNIVERSITY A Global Signbank for Lexical Comparison of Sign Languages |
Joanna Filipczak, Monika Dobrowolska, Małgorzata Limanówka UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW “Sign with Us!” A PJM Course for Primary School Pupils |
09:45 – 10:45 | Keynote talk
Piotr Tomaszewski UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Gestural Language Development: The case of Preschoolsigners |
10:45 – 11:25 | Coffee break / przerwa kawowa | |
11:25 – 12:05 | Presentation
Hannah Lutzenberger, Connie de Vos, Onno Crasborn, Paula Fikkert RADBOUD UNIVERSITY Testing the Robustness of Acquiring Sign Phonology – Case Study of Children Acquiring an Emerging Sign Language |
Sibaji Panda, Ramjee Panda HAPPY HANDS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF Deaf Led Education: Effective Networking and Collaboration |
12:10 – 12:50 | Presentation
Christian Rathmann, Thomas Geissler HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN Discourse of Signed Language(s) in Academic Settings: The Habitus |
12:50 – 14:20 | Lunch break | |
14:20 – 15:00 | Presentation
Keiko Sagara NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ETHNOLOGY Diachronic Changes in the Lexicons of Japanese Sign Language (JSL), Taiwan Sign Language (TSL) and Korean Sign Language (KSL) |
Presentation Justyna Kotowicz, Bencie Woll PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRACOW, UNIVERISTY CEOLLEGE LONDON Znaczenie dwujęzyczności migowo-mówionej dla funkcjonowania poznawczego słyszących dzieci mających głuchych rodziców (The Role of Sign-spoken Bilingualism in Cognitive Functioning of Hearing Children of Deaf Parents) |
15:05 – 15:45 | Presentation
Kang-Suk Byun, Luigi Lerose, Jenny Webster, Lynne Barnes KANGNAM UNIVERSITY A Comparison of (the Relationships Between) Language Support Policies and Language Attitudes in the UK and Korea |
Marcin Łuczywek CENTER OF POLISH SIGN LANGUAGE How to Make Learning Polish Sign Language Interesting? |
15:50 – 16:30 | Presentation
Ulrike Zeshan, Marco Nyarko, Noah Ahereza, Deepu Manavalamamuni, Ankit Vishwakarma, Nirav Pal, Mahanmadaejaz Parasara, Brijesh Barot, Jagdish Choudhari UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE Co-creative Workshops with Deaf Communities: Adapting the “Collaboratory” Methodology |
Małgorzata Talipska, Marek Śmietana, Marta Korytkowska, Monika Lament, Marcin Demianiuk UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW Civil Rights and Freedoms of Deaf Pupils in Schools and Educational Centers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Taking into Account Their Language Situation in Poland |
Saturday / Sobota, 25.08.2018
Auditorium / Aula |
Room 107 (1st floor) /
Sala 107 (1. piętro) |
9:00 – 9:40 | ‘Elevator pitch’ for poster presentations Krótkie prezentacje autorów posterów |
Pior Tomaszewski, Piotr Krzysztofiak UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW, SWPS UNIVERSITY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES Critical Period Hypothesis from the Perspective of Sign Language |
09:45 – 10:25 | Presentation
Thomas Geissler, Christian Rathmann HUMBOLDT UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN CEFR-based Sign Language Assessment: A Multistage Procedure and Error Analysis |
Malwina Kocoń, Justyna Kotowicz PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRACOW Wyzwania rodzicielskie, komunikacja oraz tożsamość kulturowa głuchych matek wychowujących słyszące dzieci (Deaf Mothers Raising Hearing Children: Parental Challenges, Communication and Cultural Identity) |
10:25 – 12:25 | Poster session
1. Anastasia Bauer, Svetlana Burkova, Vadim Kimmelman (UNIVERISTY OF COLOGNE): Non-manual Markers in Russian Sign Language: Three Case Studies 2. Andrea Lackner, Christian Stalzer, Nikolaus Riemer-Kankkonen, Isabel Graf (STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY): A Bilingual-Bicultural Approach when Creating, Analyzing and Publishing ÖGS Corpus Data 3. Andrea Hudáková (CHARLES UNIVERSITY): Czech Deaf children’s socio-cognitive competence: Czech Sign Language users and Spoken Czech language users 4. Rita Portelli, Alison Vere (UNIVERSITY OF MALTA): Size Matters? – The Maltese Deaf Community and its Language 5. Eilidh Rose Mcewan (UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE): Assessing Deaf Agency within Capacity-Building Projects in the Global South 6. Monika Inglot-Werner (UNIVERSITY OF LOWER SILESIA): Wada słuchu w rodzinie. Doświadczenia i narracje (Hearing Impairment in the Family. Experiences and Narrations) 7. Małgorzata Januszewicz, Magdalena Dunaj (POLISH ASSOCITION OF THE DEAF: SECTION OF LODZ): Projekt Deaf Learning – języki narodowe dla Głuchych (The „Deaf Learning” Project – National Languages for the Deaf) 8. Anna Irasiak (JAN DLUGOSZ UNIVERISTY IN CZESTOCHOWA): Międzykulturowe konstruowanie wiedzy w obszarze dydaktyki polskiego języka migowego (Intercultural Knowledge Construction in Polish Sign Language Teaching) 9. Anna Lewandowska (UNIVERISTY OF GDANSK): Języki migowe i społeczność Głuchych w państwach byłej Jugosławii (Sign Languages and Deaf Communities in the Countries of the Former Yugoslavia) 10. Magdalena Bednarska (JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LUBLIN): Katechizacja uczniów niesłyszących i słabosłyszących kształcących się w specjalnych ośrodkach szkolno-wychowawczych dla dzieci i młodzieży z wadą słuchu a rozumienie przez nich treści o charakterze metaforycznym – badania pilotażowe (Catechization of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Pupils who Study in Special Educational Centers for Children and Youth with Hearing Impairment and Their Understanding of Metaphorical Content: a Pilot Study) |
12:25 – 14:00 | Lunch break / przerwa na lunch | |
14:00 – 14:40 | Presentation
Sibaji Panda, Ankur Kumar Panchal, Pallavi Kulshreshtha, Deepak Sehrawat, Sharanjeet Kaur HARYANA WELFARE SOCIETY FOR PERSONS WITH SPEECH AND HEARING IMPAIRMENT Digital Sign Language Lab: Development Process and Quality Assurance for Access to School Curriculum in Indian Sign Language |
Justyna Kotowicz, Magda Schromová, Bencie Woll, Herman Rosalind, Maria Kielar Turska, Joanna Łacheta PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRACOW, UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW, UNIVERISTY CEOLLEGE LONDON The Adaptation Process of the British Sign Language Receptive Skills Test into Polish Sign Language |
14:45 – 15:25 | Presentation
Anželika Teresė APPLIED LINGUISTICS Figures of Speech in Lithuanian Sign Language Poetry |
Monika Kozub Tłumacz polskiego języka migowego oczami klienta. Wpływ czynników zewnętrznych zaburzający odbiór komunikatów PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY OF CRACOW (Polish Sign Language Interpreter Through the Eyes of His Client. The Impact of External Factors Disturbing the Communication) |
15:30 – 16:10 | Summary session / sesja podsumowująca | |
16:10 – 18:40 | Extended coffee break and
the ERC Workshop |